Facts about Egyptian 👻Mummies 🧟‍♀️💀

Here are facts 🤓🧐📘💡about Pharaonic mummies!

The mummies🧟‍♀️💀, magic, and ghosts👻 are common topics in Egyptian Pharaohs heritage😱🥶😨.

Here are some facts 🤓🧐📘💡about Pharaonic mummies:


- The mummy of Princess Makitaten🧟‍♀️ helped Cheiro, one of the most famous astrologers throughout history in studying palmistry. Later in 1937, Cheiro predicted the return of the Jews to Palestine 🇯🇴. He also predicted the sinking of Titanic. Cheiro mentioned the story in his book real life stories.

- Shortly before Cheiro’s departure to England from Luxor, he received a special gift from an elderly Arab. “Something wrapped up in one of those bandages that were found bound around the limbs of mummies…The right hand of a mummy in a magnificent state of preservation.😨

- The hand of Princess Makitaten🧟‍♀️, who had raised an army and attacked the new monarch, dying in the battle. Vengeful priests had hacked off her sword arm and mummified the hand to put it on display as a warning to others.

- The hand had been passed down through Arab’s family with its legend, and now it was being given to Cheiro.

- A mummy could also be an animal. In the Egyptian religion, the body was needed in order for the soul or "ba" of the person to unite with the "ka" of the person in the afterlife. The body was an important part of the afterlife and they wanted to preserve it forever.

- There are still mummies of some of the ancient Pharaohs around. Both Tutankhamun and Rameses the Great were preserved and can be seen at museums.

- Over the past few thousands of years, many of the Egyptian mummies have been destroyed in interesting ways. Some were burned for fuel, some were ground into powder to make magical potions, and some were destroyed by treasure hunters.👨‍🚒

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