Do you know that Arabic writing✒️ is not only a way of communication❓ It is also an artistic communication. In other words, Arabic can be written in several artistic fonts which called Arabic calligraphy❤️.
Digging deep into the history of the Arabian
Peninsula and the origin of the Arabic language, archaeologists have found
inscriptions that show a close relationship between Arabic scripts and some
earlier scripts, such as the Canaanite and Aramaic Nabataean alphabets that were found in the north of the Arabian Peninsula.
Calligraphy is an Islamic art,☪️ but the development of sophisticated
calligraphy as an art form is not unique to Islamic☪️ culture.
Diwani, the most common calligraphy font, is a
cursive style of Arabic calligraphy developed during the reign of the early
Ottoman Turks in the 16th and early 17th centuries. It was invented by Housam
Roumi, and reached its height of popularity under Süleyman I the Magnificent
Do you know that All the Arab countries’ ancient
buildings and towns full of calligraphy walls❓ If
yes, where did you see it❓What was
For example, Egypt is full of calligraphy in ancient
mosques and castles as you see in the picture below.
There is also Kufic Calligraphy. Kufic is the
oldest calligraphic form of the various Arabic scripts and consists of a
modified form of the old Nabataean script. Kufic developed around the end of
the 7th century in Kufa, Iraq, from which it takes its name, and other centres.
Now you know what the interesting part is⁉️
I can write your name, or any word you want, in
artistic calligraphic Arabic for you.🌟🥰 Yes as
you see in the “Robert” picture below.💐 If you
like to have your name written in Arabic calligraphy contact me, but first tell
me, do you know more about this art❓ Do you
know something similar⁉️
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Get to Know Arabic Culture ☪️🌟 and Calligraphy! ❤ 😍