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Hi again,

Egypt's economic and political atmosphere is an exciting and ever-evolving area of Middle East current issues. Egypt political spheres are claimed to be universal, applicable to all the Middle East countries no matter their status or where they are located.

Delve into politics and leadership figures of Egypt.

Throughout seven-parts course, you’ll examine the nature of Egypt political sphere. You’ll explore how the Egyptian regime is managed.

In part one, you will explore the presidency figures who can decide anything in Egypt. Then in part two we the discuss the role of the military armed forces in Egypt politics and economy, then in part three we figure out the role and the impact of Egypt government in the decision-making process.

Mass media plays vital role in forming Egypt public opinion and in supporting the Egyptian regime. We discuss Egypt mass media in detail in part four. In part five we discuss the elite of business people in Egypt who influence heavily Egypt's economy. At last, in parts six and seven we discuss the roles of both judiciary system and the opposition in Egypt politics.

Feel free to contact me anytime.


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